Re: Murkon's Refuge - When to Retrain?
Aaron, on host
Thursday, June 1, 2006, at 01:15:40
Re: Murkon's Refuge - When to Retrain? posted by daniel78 on Tuesday, May 30, 2006, at 00:49:56:
This is what I'm thinking of for my party: Two assassins with wizard spells Two assassins with sorcerror spells Two druids
This way I can have a strong fighting party, and a redundant assassin in case one assassin dies.
The concern is whether I am needlessly leveling up if I retrain too many times. I know that work will be needed to level the characters, but while I'm retraining I'm usually going to be one or two people down in my party. I worry, if I retrain too many times, the benefits of reclassing might be insufficient.
In the description the designer says he doesn't want to have killing of boring scores of monsters, and I don't like needless grinding any more than the next person. Depending on how one plays the game though, perhaps a little might be needed.
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