Re: Berlin Wall???
AntiEntropy, on host
Friday, May 26, 2006, at 10:40:39
Berlin Wall??? posted by Howard on Thursday, May 25, 2006, at 19:35:08:
I don't understand all the panic about the influx of illegal immigrants. It's almost as if government people are making a big deal out of it to divert attention away from more important things...
What is more important is getting these people into the system. Right now, we have an entire population of people in this country who could be exploited by anyone (for instance, by being payed less than the minimum wage), and they would have no legal recourse. Conditions in the U.S. are so much of an improvement, though (in Honduras, for example, the average daily wage is half of the price of a loaf of bread), that immigrants want to come here. Most of them probably live safely, but I can't help but think that it's a bad idea to have the majority of the population (in some areas) be legally nonexistant.
Anti(I use too many parentheses.)Entropy
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