Re: Site updates
LaZorra, on host
Monday, May 22, 2006, at 14:21:02
Re: Site updates posted by Leen on Monday, May 22, 2006, at 12:26:14:
Really, I'm pretty obsessive about riding with a helmet (that loud one you saw on the video, hehe). Sometimes, if my horse is feeling feisty, I'll even wear the helmet for doing ground work because he likes to kick and buck, and I don't want a hoof in my temple. The only exceptions are shows, when I'm not allowed to wear anything but one of the school's black felt cowboy hats. And I'm not wearing one bareback in those pics because I just hopped up for a second while Rascal was grazing in the back yard so Dad could take them. :-) Come to think of it, I don't have any photos of me actually *riding* him. I need to fix that.
The only time I've fallen off (got bucked off when I was riding by the greenhouses and the evaporative cooler kicked on), I landed on the side of my head. Fortunately, I was in soft dirt. If I had been on any other surface, my helmet would have been smashed to pieces. I am not about to put my skull in the position to do the same.
La"But I appreciate the concern ;-)"Zorra
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