Re: Science & Reputation
AntiEntropy, on host
Thursday, May 11, 2006, at 11:09:54
Science & Reputation posted by Enigma on Wednesday, May 10, 2006, at 20:10:10:
I think it is significant that all the theory rehauls that have been mentioned are in the physics area. Call me a mathematician (please), but physics has this freedom for growth because it has a mathematical framework. Theories in physics are close approximations of observed data that can be used to predict the results of other experiments. The theories are actually mathematical models which indicate a particular cosmology (which can be talked about in science magazines). When a theory fails to predict a new experiment, it is scrapped, expanded, or re-visualized.
The life sciences, on the other hand, have a framework of experimentation. New experiments are performed based on earlier data and earlier assumptions. There is not really a way to rework a theory without challenging assumptions. It is a more personal and much more vague way to introduce new ideas. Ironically, I think this makes the life sciences less flexible and less likely to incorporate new ideas.
Anti"working on my master's"Entropy
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