Re: Nanites in nanotech
Balanthalus, on host
Thursday, October 28, 1999, at 20:53:01
Nanites in nanotech posted by Wolfspirit on Thursday, October 28, 1999, at 11:06:48:
> > > > PS: I've been wondering; could someone with a good knowledge of quantum mechanics tell me if the Heisenberg Uncertianty Principle makes nanotechnology theorecically impossible? I'm a little fuzzy on at exactly what scale it becomes important, but I'd assume if the nanites had to rearrange the subatomic structure of atoms there would be a problem. > > Well, you'd probably have to define what kind of nanite tech you're thinking of. Animal-organic or Mineral-robotic?
I was thinking little robots when I was writing the message, but it wouldn't really matter, organic and inorganic would be equally unable to manipulate the building blocks of matter once you got down to a certian small scale, although I can't remember how small (somewhere from 10^-25 to 10^-35 meters I think, but that's a pretty big range)
Bal "20th century physics is rigorously proven absurdity" anthalus