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FQ2..don't know where to use plank
Posted By: vvmomma, on host
Date: Monday, February 6, 2006, at 13:04:48

Fantasy Quest II
You sift through them but don't see anything salvageable. Amazing how it self-destructed so completely right when you were coming up with creative solutions for your troubles. You are on a thin, overgrown forest trail on the northwest side of a volcano. East, the trail bends south and ascends the volcano. West, it is obstructed by a locked gate, rusty with neglect, some twenty feet high, with spikes protruding from the bars. The fence on either side is equally high and overgrown with vegetation. There are pieces of a broken ladder here.
Reread the introduction.
Go east.
Climb the fence.
Climb the gate.
Bash the gate with the iron support.
Open the rusty gate with the rusty key.
Take the ladder pieces.

You're Carrying:
9 Onions
Crown of Destiny
Bottle Opener
Iron Support
Rusty Key
Float Ring
Red Potion
Wooden Plank
Small Silver Coin
Sap Tap
Green Potion
Silver Key
Bucket of Sea Water

Tried opening gate with rusty key, bashed gate, and cannot get in...still haven't used the plank, and don't know where to go from here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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