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Re: Mammoth
Posted By: Jeff, on host
Date: Thursday, October 28, 1999, at 12:58:19
In Reply To: Re: Mammoth posted by Spider-Boy on Thursday, October 28, 1999, at 12:37:44:

> > My father-in-law mentioned something about this the other day. However, he stated that they would, in fact, attempt to remove semen from the woolly mammoth to breed it with an elephant (he was not specific as to Asian or African {like it matters}). However, the impossibility would be in that all of the bodily fluids would have crystallized, and a viable sample would not be obtainable.
> > Even if it could be possible to breed, or clone, I think the Jurassic quote from Jeff Goldbloom is very relevant. "They spent so much time figuring out if they could, they didn't stop and ask if they should."
> >
> > Je "(insert generic quote here)" ff
> I saw a thing on the TV were they said they were going to try to do both. the hybrid is easery, but they hope to use the Dolly the Sheep process on the mammoth. They said something about medical communty would beniffit from this but I'm not sure how cloneing an extinct elephant with built on shag carpeting will help modern medicen. I would like to see the clone if it works, I just have this feeling it will get sick fast since bacteria and viruses have been evolving since the original mammoth died. It will be like the end of the War of the Worlds, this mighty creature with no immune system brough down by the common cold. That was the big plot hole I saw in Jurrasic Park.
> Spider-i'mnotreallyspider-boy,butthescarletspiderkid,spider-boy'sclone-Boy

That's seems reasonable. It just gives those scientists who don't really work, but merely play around in a lab getting paid rather handsomely by grant money, something fun to do on a rainy fall afternoon. Besides, they're clammoring to get their pictures on the cover of The Enquirer.

Je "obviously not a scientist" ff

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