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DC vs Marvel
Posted By: Spider-Boy, on host
Date: Thursday, October 28, 1999, at 12:20:39

Several years ago DC comics (owners of Batman and Superman) and Marvel comics (Owners of Hulk and Spider-Man) had a big crossover in which the heroes of each reality battled it out to see which univers was better. The best part was that some of the 'title battles' were voted on by fans to see who would win. I belive there were five of these and Marvel one three, which ment that Marvel Comics one. Here is the outcome from the title battels

Superman beat the Hulk
Spider-Man beat Superboy
Storm beat Wonder Woman
Wolverine beat Lobo
I think they say Batman beat Captain America officaly, but I call it interfiranc, the sewer they were in flushed out. That battle I want to see again.

So what do the dwellers of Rinkworks think, does Marvel comics rule or should the Distinguish Competition have won?


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