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Re: Escape from St. Mary's
Posted By: username, on host
Date: Saturday, December 31, 2005, at 04:11:44
In Reply To: Re: Escape from St. Mary's posted by mandichaos on Friday, December 30, 2005, at 10:16:52:

Well, I tried the tea in the microwave it worked but whenever I got it out to Agnelo, it was cold. And I'm sure I took the shortest way. Down east and out, then to the quadrangle, then south to the football pitch where Angelo is. I drew about a half dozen maps and this is the shortest. Couldn't find any other shorter routes.

> >
> > Hmmm...I seem to be getting some progress but still I can't get a lot of stuff.
> >
> > I have already finished developing the photos and the fight is broken up. I could now practice throwing chalk in the male staff room toward the library, several times. Then I tried getting the fertiliser, but still it doesn't work. I must still be missing something.
> >
> You need to perfect your aim. Which requires you to get the chalk in the window. Also, there are two ends to that chain. See what else you can tie to it.
> > Also I got the tea and I have some knockout drops I put in it. It seems to be for Agnelo, but he complains that it's cold. I tried using the lighter to make it warmer, and this and that, but, it still won't.
> >
> The cup is not made of metal, therefore, another kitchen appliance you encountered will heat it without damage. Just take the shortest possible route to Agnelo once you nuke the tea.
> > I have already finished in the bio lab, Mohan is just missing and L is unconscious. I can't touch anything else in there or do anything about it.
> >
> Well, you got the knockout drops and the earthworm, you're good.
> > I have still been trying to get the kid up to A, but it won't work yet. I have to either go through the library or the office but since there are people there, I can't bring in a sleeping kid.
> >
> There's no one out back behind the school. And Mrs. L is in no condition to notice if you cut through the lab.
> > I have already triggered the fire and everything and read the councellor's files. All it realy had of interest is the the person who likely created the game had her initials as SP. Is that all I get, her initials?
> >
> You get the connection to tell you where she hid the solution on campus:
> 1) She's obsessed with codes.
> 2) She's in the Environment Club.
> 3) You also saw a display by the Environment Club with a message on it.
> 4) You know the one; you stole its mirror.
> 5) This is not coincidental in the slightest. :)
> > Ugh. Some problems finished. And even more questions created, it seems to me. So much stuff I can barely fit it inside my 17 year old brain, whose mind is usually on a whole bunch of other things, and it's night now so...
> >
> > My inventory now:
> > Beaker
> > Blue Paint
> > Bottle Cap
> > Chain
> > Chalk
> > Cup of Tea
> > Earthworm Sample
> > Eraser
> > Glue Stick
> > Hot-Wiring Instructions
> > Lighter
> > Mirror
> > Perma-Tie
> > Photos of Fashion Show
> > Shirt
> > Soldering Iron
> > Wire
> > Wrench
> -Mandi "bad capitalization or hidden message?" aka Chaos

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