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Escape from St. Mary's: Cheese and Key
Posted By: Jawaookie, on host
Date: Friday, December 23, 2005, at 19:09:04

-Get bag from classroom
-Get cheese from Mr. Crasto

-Time Machine
-Rust Eater

-Cup of Tea

-Blue Paint

-Bottle Cap
-Glue Stick
-Soldering Iron

-Hot-Wiring Instructions
-Photos of Fashion Show

-I know you're suppose to knock over the stack of books in the library but I can't seem to find the right spot to throw the chalks at them. I tried the male staff room and Mrs. Awatif's room but all it says that my aim is better due to practicing.
-I tried looting the chemical cupboard for the Knockout drops but only met my doom. Perhaps they're in another area?
-Still have no clue on the whole alien thing but maybe that's connected with the cheese?

I wonder if I'm anywhere near unlocking the secret area and what exactly can I use the photos of Fashion Modeling with?

Thanks in advance!

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