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Re: Evil and the RinkForum
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Wednesday, October 27, 1999, at 14:24:06
In Reply To: Re: Evil and the RinkForum posted by Spider-Boy on Wednesday, October 27, 1999, at 14:05:20:

> > -Faux "trying to stay on neutral ground" Pas
> Considering you managed to restart the Cola War I say you dove off the neutral ground. Myself I feel cola drinks are evil, Coke or Pepsie and all there diets. As for company's I'd say Pepsie is more evil, only Coke managed to make my favortie kind of soda (Root Beer) caffinated so I can use it as a coffe supplment (I refusse to drink anything that smells like coffe does, that goes for alchole too).

Oh man, I *love* the smell of coffee. I just wish the beverage wasn't so hot. I'll drink iced coffee and such, but I don't like warm beverages. Eck.

Aside from that, why is Pepsi evil? They make some darn fine products, and the new look is very keen. Plus, one thing you have to say about Pepsi: they're an innovator. Coca-Cola is always playing catch-up (How long did it take for them to get Surge out to combat Mountain Dew?) to the folks over at Pepsi. As I've said before, I drink 'em both.

Ste "Variety is the spice of life" phen