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Re: Murkon's Vengeance (Level 8)
Posted By: Trillian, on host
Date: Sunday, May 29, 2005, at 22:33:35
In Reply To: Re: Murkon's Vengeance (Level 8) posted by Joe on Monday, May 9, 2005, at 20:48:20:

> > I'm probably going to feel stupid after I figure this out, but I'm stuck at the beginning of level 8.
> It's terribly frustrating, but two things:
> if you've got a way to tell _exactly_ where you are at any given moment, that could be very helpful. if you don't have that, since you have so little invested in this level, it might make sense to restart the level (not the game, just the level) so you have another shot at that.
> pay attention to what happens where. it's a lot like MR9 that way. be patient, and i know it's hard to be. but there's a finite number of things that can happen, and it's not random. just watch your steps, and be systematic.

I'm also stuck on level 8 and these hints aren't helping. I can see that I repeat that room over and over, but I don't get how to get out of it. Any more help? Please?

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