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Re: Games?
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Tuesday, October 19, 1999, at 22:48:06
In Reply To: Games? posted by mikey on Tuesday, October 19, 1999, at 17:53:54:

> I was just wondering, what kind of online games does everyone here play, and why? I mean, outside of Rinkworks, which is more of a way of life.
> If you're curious at all, I play generally everything on Playsite, even though I'm not too good. I used to play Age of Empires, Quake 2, Unreal, Rainbow 6, etc.

Quake 2 is always fun. Was playing Q3Test until Unreal Tournament demo came out which is very cool even though I'm trying to get the hang of not getting destroyed (just as I was getting good at Q3... oh well). I was also playing some System Shock 2 co-op until the game decided to freak out and basically not allow my friend and I to continue from our save (tech support has been unhelpful). Aside from that, every now and then I go for a game of Tribes and I just finished playing some co-op StarCraft.

I also play a lot of console games. I got a Dreamcast when it came out but haven't played it since I obliterated Soul Calibur and IT stopped working... sigh. Right now I'm looking forward to Donkey Kong 64 on the N64, just because I loved Banjo-Kazooie so much.
> Right now, I spend lots of time on a game called Uniball. I'm an administrator for the company, and the community is a great place... It could be the worst game in the world, but if the people are fun to talk to, it's worth it :)

Never heard of Uniball.

Ste "Super-geek" phen