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Early Years - Gold Rush: Why an orange?
Posted By: macrinus7, on host
Date: Saturday, February 5, 2005, at 20:17:06

I seem to be drawing a complete blank when it comes to what to with the orange once I have done a particular action with it (and taken care of a strange urge). Now I am wandering aimlessly through the house; I have 180 moves left and still can't get down in the wine cellar (I don't even know if I need to go there).

This is my inventory:

A Rusty, Old Axe
Some Tea Bags
A Pink Letter
A Wooden Coo-Coo Clock
A Big Toy Train
A Short Brass Letter Opener
An Orange Sharp Orange Peeler
A Green Bottle Full of Sizzling Potion An Empty Tea Cup
A Dirty Envelope
A Rotten Orange

These are my options:

Put letter in envelope.
Put tea in cup.
Eat train.
Eat orange.
Drink orange.
Drink potion.
Read envelope.
Read letter.
Read train.
Say something.

Where should I go from here? Please just give me a hint; if I still feel clued out I will make further inquiries.

mac "making this the slowest rush ever" rinus7

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