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Free internet access?
Posted By: Kaz, on host
Date: Friday, October 15, 1999, at 22:12:39

Ok, I'm hopeing that, of the huge amounts of people that look at these messges each day, at least ONE will be able to give me a site match for the following question:

Where can I get free internet access in CANADA????

Right now I'm sponging off of "free 50 hour" AOL disks that, in my opinion, REALLY REALLY SUCK!!!! (I apologize for the above remark to any AOL sypathizers, and remember that it is my opinion and I am biased because AOL crashed on me once while writing this message so I had to start ALL OVER AGIN!) Anyway, I've tried things like Netzero, Trillium, and Freel only to find out that they only work in the USA. So far, the only 'free' canadian internet that I came across was freewwweb which had a $120 starting fee, meaning that it wasn't REALLY free. Anyway, I hope that someone can answer this soon otherwise I'll just be sitting here in the world of AOL where everything is too hard to get at and and the programs like to crash (again, my opinion) until the free AOL internet hours run out and I

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