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Re: SOAT and the history of -OAT
Posted By: gremlinn, on host
Date: Friday, October 8, 2004, at 03:27:49
In Reply To: SOAT posted by sessie on Friday, October 8, 2004, at 02:36:24:

> So...what exactly is the name of the new game? And what do the other "code names" for the other games mean (OAT, POAT, etc)? I get what games they refer to, but what's with the random T's and stuff?

The name's still a secret, unless you're a subscriber. One more little advantage to signing up! But what's in a name, anyway? ;-)

A brief chronological history of -OAT:
1. A general tendency among several of us to jokingly pretend to be someone with poor typing ability (and thus "accidentally" scramble the letters of a word) developed over time.
2. "GOAT" = "GotA" scrambled (Sam's joke.)
3. "POAT" = "TPoA" scrambled (probably also Sam's joke initially, once he knew what POAT's title was. The fact that three of the letters were in common was entirely coincidental, but it was enough to start a "tradition".)
4. "SOAT" = a non-anagram code acronym (made just to go with the pattern of the others, the S coming from the first letter of either of the game title's two words.)
5. Possibly a few other proposed acronyms for others' games, some of whose titles truly used "O", "A", and "T", some of whose didn't. Some of these games are still in development and some have been largely abandoned.
6. "OAT" = "ToA" scrambled (continuing the pattern after a poor decision to name the game in a way that would allow this.)
7. More proposed -OAT games emerging and fading into obscurity, though some newer games have abandoned the tradition entirely.

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