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POA: What do I do now???
Posted By: Kim, on host
Date: Saturday, September 4, 2004, at 15:57:40

This is my inventory:

Leather Briefcase
/ Supply Room Card
/ Radio Receiver
/ Plastic Cup
/ Employment Papers
/ Business Card
/ Fire Extinguisher
/ Round Pot
/ I.D. Card
/ Crowbar
/ Pet Snacks
/ Small Mirror
/ Passcard (CQ60537)
/ Light Tube
/ Washcloth
/ Cactus

I have completed the first 2 jobs but am not getting any more. I can't find anything else. I have circled the place more than a dozen times. I have read everything on my computer terminal. I caught the cat but he escaped out of my arms. no matter where I go everything stays the same and I can't find anymore tubes for the kitchen. I only found one but don't remember where I found it. I can't get the wrench no matter how many times I ask for it.I can't get the sedative pills no matter how many times I ask or forcefully ask. I have been outside and went everywhere I was allowed but couldn't find a single thing and surely not sandstone caverns. PLEASE PLEASE HELP!! Thanks A Bunch.

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