Re: Murkon's Refuge equipment
squidgunner, on host
Monday, June 7, 2004, at 06:15:44
Murkon's Refuge equipment posted by knivetsil on Saturday, June 5, 2004, at 08:49:00:
> 1) I've been unable to find a better helmet for my knights than Helmet of Healing. Are there any?
Hmmm. can't remember what AC bonus Helmet of Healing is. Iron Helmet (with bonuses?) is probably better AC though, but maybe you don't consider that better.
> 2) Are there any better boots for my wizards than Boots of Healing?
Same as above. Is it AC that makes it better or the special ability?
> 3) I'm still debating as to whether I should equip my rogue with Shield +4 or Cooler/Heater Shield. Right now I've got a Shield +4 on him. Anyone think I should use a Cooler Shield or Heater Shield instead?
This is a choice. on my solo rogue game I went for the Cooler/Heater because I wanted to reach 20 defense for one element.
> 4) I seem to remember that stealth blade is better than light sword for my rogue. Am I mistaken?
I experimented a bit with this and chose the light sword. Additional speed seems to overweigh the increased WC, and the critical hit doesn't make much difference when you are already killing nearly every monster normally, but I can't swear to it.
> 5) Is there a better shield for my sorcerer than a shield of healing?
Don't think so, but again AC or ability?
> 6) I don't think there is, but are there better boots for a sorcerer than cloth slippers +1?
Don't think so.
So really the big question is how are you determining which is better? purely AC? or being able to heal a lot every turn? elemental resistance? kind of becomes a toss-up.
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