fantasy quest 2 small silver coin
cara, on host
Wednesday, June 2, 2004, at 06:40:16
Stupid coin! Soothsayer doesn't want it. Banjo Codger at the Store doesnt want it. White Tower Vending machine doesn't want it. Lion doesnt give a rat's ass, but I don't think that's an item in this game. Rabbit can't eat it. It survives the volcano lava unscathed even when I don't.
In my sack, which gets larger and heavier without becoming usefull, I have:
9 ONIONS----- (I keep eating them and breathing in the Soothsayers face. I'm really a nice person in real life!) 2 TREE BRANCHES -----(again) SMALL SILVER COIN -----(I hear the exchange rate is really bad) SILVER KEY CROWN OF DESTINY----- (my destiny is really to walk around here forever looking for witches and wizards) FLOAT RING SAP TAP -----(I feel like a sap today) BUCKET OF SEAWATER-----(It's getting very heavy by now, and has sloshed around and filled my socks, the salt feels great! on my blistered feet) CROSS -----(to bear) FEATHER -----(Huge feather, weighs a ton) COCONUT BLUE RUBBER BALL-----(The clown is too drunk to know it would make a fine nose) PLIERS-----(Not for nose picking, finger still works best) IRON SUPPORT-----(I used it as a crutch to offset the weight of the sea water in the bucket, now I have a blister on my armpit) SUNSTONE -----(which looks cool but nobody wants to see it)
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