FQ1 - What a great game.
prhartco, on host
Sunday, May 2, 2004, at 06:29:51
You're Carrying: Sack Carrot Rope Hook Branch Silver Key Gold Key Sword Shovel Scroll Hammer Nails Bow Arrow Fishing Pole Club Ticket Winter Coat Pass Ring Float Ring Sunstone Oil Wire Shield Whew. Finished the quest. What a great game! What fun! You guys should see my map--as more of the land was explored I had to cut and separate my paper, taping another paper under it...I did this so many times my map is now a patchwork masterpiece of paper scraps covered in lines and labels. I feel like framing it, and I wish I could show it to you! Thank-you, Rinkworks, for a satisfying couple of days in which I neglected everything else.
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