cowlady, on host
Thursday, April 15, 2004, at 18:43:18
this is the first hangup i've come to.... I can't get past the giraffe, Help!!!!everytime i tryto go past him he kills me, what am i doing wrong?
You're Carrying: / 1 Onion / Crown of Destiny / Bottle Opener / Iron Support / Rusty Key / Sack / Float Ring / Cross / Red Potion / Goo / Small Silver Coin / Sap Tap / Coconut / Green Potion / Sunstone / Silver Key / Bucket of Sap / Pliers / Sword
Replies To This Message
- Re: FQ2 - slverfox - Thu, 4/15/2004, 18:54:20
- Re: FQ2 - cowlady - Fri, 4/16/2004, 03:47:22
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