Re: Monster Arena: Elimination round 1
Joona I Palaste, on host
Friday, April 9, 2004, at 01:23:52
Re: Monster Arena: Elimination round 1 posted by commie_bat on Thursday, April 8, 2004, at 06:19:39:
> > Elimination round 1 is next. I'm up against some bloke named "piff". I have compared his characters' stats against mine, and I truly believe I will win this fight. But then, nothing is certain. We shall see tomorrow. > > Boy, I would hate to be kicked out of the tournament in the first round. Being kicked out in the second round wouldn't be too much of a deal. > > Knowing your affinity for these games, it's not surprising that you seeded high (252) and drew a relatively feeble opponent, possibly even someone who gave up on his party and didn't equip anything after round 2. You'll probably win this round, but don't forget to win big. > > I have a feeling that those of us who keep doing well will keep having a relatively easy time of things until we narrow the field to only those of us who are still playing for keeps.
I lost round 1. Well, I wasn't so good at playing this game anyway. When the next game starts I'll try to play a little better.
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