Re: FQ I - Jewel Hunting
Brbr, on host
Thursday, April 8, 2004, at 18:07:46
Re: FQ I - Jewel Hunting posted by Brbr on Thursday, April 8, 2004, at 17:59:21:
urgh...I can't find the oil can u mentioned and every time I jump in the volcano I die :P
> thx silver! > > > > > > I can't find the jewel in the castle gardens!!! > > > > > > I followed to different people's advice on this website; one gave directions that said to go east from the cat, which is impossible, and the other said to go south of the sunflowers, which was no help to me. > > > > > > Did I already find the jewel and use it? I don't think so but plz help... > > > > > > Also I have no clue where to get the oil can. Thx, ppl! > > > > > > inventory: sack, carrot, rope, hook, branch, silver key, gold key, sword, shovel, scroll, hammer, nails, bow, arrow, fishing pole, club, ticket, winter coat, pass ring, sunstone > > > > u already found the jewel in the garden because u have the hook. you will find the means to get the oil can in the fortress. u need to visit that real hot place and jump in.