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Trail of Anguish - At A Stalemate, Help PLEASE
Posted By: Daisy, on host
Date: Sunday, January 11, 2004, at 15:05:31

I have completed all the tasks for my professors. Silus and Vera (spelling wrong) are hiding in the abandoned building. I have tried to get the nerds to the junkyard, but everytime, one of the Thorius Bullies comes after them and scares them away. I read that I have to get a sandwich from Gas Station attendant, but I've tried over and over and can't get past him at the door. No options but to drive away. What do I need to do at this point? Please. Here is my inventory:

You're Carrying: /
2 Bracelets
/ Hovercar Key
/ Crowbar
/ Rusty Key
/ Parachute
/ Map of Elkland
/ Quantum Calculator
/ Note from Chris
/ Dollar Bill
/ Backpack
/ Red Dress
/ Picket
/ Dinner Invitation
/ Purse
/ Stylish Clothes
/ Enrollment Sheet
/ Gas Canister
/ ID Card
/ Stylish Shoes
/ Course Textbooks
/ Chainsaw

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