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feel like an idiot... (FQ2)
Posted By: bittersweet, on host
Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2003, at 12:15:24

You're Carrying:

20 Onions
Silver Key
Iron Support

2 Tree Branches
Small Silver Coin
Huge Ladder

i have no idea where to go next. i've read other posts with something about an indian and other stuff but they all seem to be far ahead of me. i've given the soothsayer four or five gold coins and the last hint she gave me was something about mythical creatures are vain. i gave the hairbrush to the mermaid and found the cyclops (but can't get past him), but i all i seem to be doing is going in circles. i've been in the cave and met the clown, but i didn't find anything. can someone please help?

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