Re: FQ2-What now?
silverfox, on host
Tuesday, December 23, 2003, at 15:06:56
Re: FQ2-What now? posted by wallbreaker on Tuesday, December 23, 2003, at 14:53:23:
> > > > > > K, healed the Indian...but he didn't give me anything...going to visit that "head' fella now, lets see how it goes, ty! > > > > > > I am currently trying to kill this says "preserves him" but doesn't do anything else, am I missing something? > > > > did u explore the land to the north and then east i believe of the vampiress and find someone else u could help? > > Yeah, that pixie or whatever, but, I don't know what I am suppose to do there either...How do you heal that tree...I thought sap would work but I won't let me use it
u need to find the sick centaur she will tell u how to heal the tree. maybe im not giving good enough hints. when u were facing the vampiress go right. i believe that direction is north. then go west.
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