Re: Murkon's Refuge: Item List?
Beasty, on host
Monday, December 22, 2003, at 15:14:59
Re: Murkon's Refuge: Item List? posted by Shruuf on Monday, December 22, 2003, at 08:13:20:
> > > > There are better boots out there, specifically > > for assassins, but I've only ever found one > > pair. Also you might prefer Combat gloves, to > > Magic cloth ones. > > > > So far, maneuvering boots were the best pair I could find, the same goes for magic cloth gloves. Do you have any details on either of those?
Well, I *could* tell you all about them, but suffice to say you'll know them when you find them. I think they're better. The boots are definitely better, but with the gloves is a bit of a choice as to whether you want High AC and strength, or healing and temperature resistances.
> > Heater/Cooler shields you probably know about, > > I suspect. > > > Yeah, but IIRC they come with a -1 to speed and I don't really need the resistances any more. Oh well, they're not hard to come by in case I choose to switch.
I use Cooler shields simply because my speed is so high -1 doesn't matter, the extra resistance is nice and in preference to heater shields because I seem to get fire used on my parties a lot.
> Thanks for your suggestions so far.
Anytime. I have three separate User accounts in MR so, I've seen nearly everything there is to see, I reckon.