Re: I need one more bronze coin!
silverfox, on host
Wednesday, November 26, 2003, at 10:31:31
Re: I need one more bronze coin! posted by xp on Wednesday, November 26, 2003, at 10:23:03:
> > > I think I have looked everywhere, but I'm not sure. I got the coin from the moat, the 3 from the shack, one from the building to the south, 20 something from blood drops, and others from other places I can't remember right now, but I still need one more to buy sea nymph. Can anyone help? > > > > > > If it means anything, here's my inventory: > > > 35 bronze coins, 8 red gemstones, 2 black gemstones, 6 apples, guard's sword, stone of strengthening, food rations, rope, tinderbox, torch, wire clippers, key of opening, clear focus stone, piece of trash, hammer, map, magifying glass, picture, and a note about a "rink". > > > > > > Please help! > > > > never mind, I tried again. The stablehand lowered the price. > > Actually, I DO need one more coin. I only have one, and I need 2 for the pie. help! spoilers welcome!
did you listen by the bakery real hard?