Trail of Anguish: What next?
blue, on host
Thursday, November 20, 2003, at 01:45:34
This sounds lame, but at the moment I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. Verna and Silus are behind the dumpster, the nerd are in the junkyard and I've completed my professor tasks. Please help!
Inventory 2 Necklaces ID Card Tennis Shoes Picket Gas Canister 1 Rock Hovercar Key Red Dress Enrollment Sheet Chainsaw Map of Elkland Quantum Calculator High-Heeled Shoes Course Textbooks Parachute Backpack T-Shirt Crowbar Rusty Key Futuristic Gun Purse Gym Shorts Note from Chris Dinner Invitation It's Sunday, January 22, 2073, sometime in the late morning or early afternoon. And my teachers, are Prof. Major, Prof Calahan. Prof Eldridge and Prof Hawson.
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