Re: Extreme weather conditions
Nyperold, on host
Monday, October 28, 2002, at 18:46:04
Re: Extreme weather conditions posted by Sosiqui on Monday, October 28, 2002, at 17:23:08:
> > What is the worst weather everyone's actually been out and about in? This includes anything in the open air, or in transit to somewhere else inside a car, train etc. Being inside also counts if the building you were in was damaged by the weather.
One night last millennium, I went camping with some other people. A storm came up. It would later be known as the Storm of the Century.
However, the TONS of trees around us acted to slow down the wind and catch much of the rain.
I went to sleep in an old tent before it started, and woke up with my face partially in a puddle. I was sent to a tent that didn't leak. The outdoor bathroom's door kept opening and shutting. A chair flew out of the truck it was loaded into. Finally, we simply went to the home of the person who had taken us. We found powerlines down. We found a marquee blown out of its brick framework. Good thing their water works on gas power, or there would have been problems.
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