Re: help with FQ fortress?
macrinus7, on host
Wednesday, September 4, 2002, at 10:00:54
help with FQ fortress? posted by me. on Wednesday, September 4, 2002, at 07:12:44:
> I noticed another post to this effect, and I just wanted to make sure I don't have a bug in my game. I've been to the northern fortress twice and lowered the drawbridge. I left to go back to the soothsayer, who gave me the THX password, but now I can't get back into the fortress. The volcano erupts when I jump down it and the invisible force keeps me from getting to the drawbridge. I have been to see the guy in the store again but I didn't have anything to pay him with. Help? Thanks!
Did you ever talk to that Indian? He's still there where you left him. *He* can help you.
mac "password surplus" rinus7
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