Re: POA-sandstone caverns
knivetsil, on host
Friday, August 30, 2002, at 21:12:25
Re: POA-sandstone caverns posted by mandichaos on Friday, August 30, 2002, at 19:56:52:
> > > make a map. that helps. > > > > I tried! All I ended up with was a cluster of scribbles. Like I said, I've been wotking on this for over a month. Could you please just spoil me? > > > > kniv"pretty please?"etsil > > Still got my map I made from when I beat it (you have to keep in mind it's 3-D, not 2-D, when you map it). Check your e-mail for the path. (I think it's right, I traced the paths on the map as best I could.) > > -Mandi
Thanks a lot! It worked like a charm! It's my bedtime now, so I won't be able to check out Verna's place until tommorrow, but I look forward to it! Thanks again!
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