Murkon's Refuge: Items of Specialness/Weapons (possible spoilers)
bandaids, on host
Friday, August 30, 2002, at 17:16:18
I FINALLY FOUND MY SORCERER GLOVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited! After countless trips onto level 10 and defeat Murkon over 4 times, I finally got my sorcerer gloves. Now I've gotten every single Item of Specialness.
But I do have another question. As I look at my party, I see that all of them have double digit WC levels except my rogue. I equipped her with the light sword that has a WC level of 6. Is that the highest WC level on a sword that a rogue can use? I believe that it is but I just want to make sure. Thanks!
~x~Band-"Happy Happy Joy Joy...I found my sorcerer gloves!"Aids~x~
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