Re: TOA - rat - tried everything - spolier, please!
Carolyn, on host
Wednesday, August 28, 2002, at 10:55:40
Re: TOA - rat - tried everything - spolier, please! posted by knivetsil on Friday, August 16, 2002, at 10:48:10:
I have not managed to get the rat to stop running in the circuit. I have done everything - I have logged every move I've made, drawn maps. I am incredibly frustrated...
> > > > Okay, I have spent days trying to trap this rat. I have drawn maps, I have noted the rat's movements and identified patterns. I have read all hints posted. I still cannot catch him and I am losing interest in this game as a result! I'd hate to quit altogether so if someone can please "spoil" the rat secret to me, I would greatly appreciate it.... > > > > > > Create as many paths through the boxes as you can. Then you have to set the trap down and then chase the rat into it. > > > > I have moved the boxes around a couple of times - do I need to move them more than that? Also, I only get the option to set the trap down if I am at the doorway. Is there something I am missing? > > I don't remember too well, but have you managed to get the rat out of that circuit it keeps running when you chase it?
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