Re: stuck again on toa
mandichaos, on host
Monday, August 26, 2002, at 11:36:35
Re: stuck again on toa posted by hellso on Monday, August 26, 2002, at 11:14:14:
> > > > > i need to know, like after you find the church and costume in the auditorium, where do you go to get a crow bar to pry open the door, it said i might have to wait till sunday so in the mean time is there anything important to do on saturday other than protest with the pickit signs? > > > > > > > > For the crowbar, where do you usually find crooked, metal objects? If you're still on the picket signs, then there's a *lot* more to do on Saturday. > > > > > > well if it is in the dump or what ever it is i couldnt find anything there. > > > > Don't worry about the crowbar right now. You're on the right track with the picketing thing; you just need to make the protest get SERIOUSLY out of hand. > > > > Once the stampede's passed, you'll find something that'll be useful for getting in on a certain game by the gym. > do you know what to do after getting the geeks? i cant find them anymore, i had them and then they disappeared, where would they be?
Well, if you opened your backpack and gave them your calculator, that'll keep them busy til Sunday - and you won't need their help til then. Focus on getting your gym clothes and getting in on that soccer game.
It'll help if you post your inventory when asking for help so we know what you've got and what you're missing. :)
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