Story Hunt 4:8 - help please (bware possible spoilers)
Kediri, on host
Sunday, August 25, 2002, at 14:49:36
OK this is the clue that's giving me problems, my thoughts and places I've been to specifically I'll put in brackets - but I have been to every site!
Take a gander at this fun site; (Looked at all the "fun" and other sites)
Laugh and holler into the night. (Thought Dreamhost and bedtime)
Beware the Achilles two three eight and seven; (Tendon, heel and weakspot but can't find anything that relates - the numbers - don't know)
Make haste to painter four six seven eleven. (Decorator?? numbers again - dunno!)
I'm now second guessing and it's not helping so anything from another mind would be great - especially since it won't be mine! :o)
Thanks Kediri
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