Re: MR-items vs. spells (small spoiler)
knivetsil, on host
Tuesday, July 16, 2002, at 04:13:19
Re: MR-items vs. spells (small spoiler) posted by commie_bat on Monday, July 15, 2002, at 20:25:25:
> > Are invoked items usually much stronger than spells? Because when I use heavy healing potion, it healed my character all the way up, and when I used CURE, said in its summary to "heal major wounds," it only healed 30 or 40 HP at most. Is it only for this instance that heavy healing potion is better than CURE, or is it a general rule that invoke items are better that their spell counterparts (such as poison arc stone versus CONTAGION, or Ice Lance Scroll versus ICEBOMB)? > > There are various strengths of attack items, and various strengths of attack spells. Same goes for healing. A minuscule amount of research will allow you to see what's stronger than what, but I find you can get by just fine with the spells. > > Try learning all the spells, before you fret that they're not strong enough. Trust me.
Okay, thanks for the advice! > > ^v^:)^v^ > FB
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