Re: Murkon's Refuge (MR) - possible spell spoilers
commie_bat, on host
Sunday, July 14, 2002, at 08:32:55
Murkon's Refuge (MR) posted by knivetsil on Sunday, July 14, 2002, at 06:34:02:
> My party consists of an assassin, a knight, a rogue, a wizard, a druid, and a sorceress. My assassin, knight, and rogue all do not know magic. My sorceress knows spells up to Firebomb, but has not leqarned the spell before that. My wizard has learned up to quieter with no gaps, and my druid knows up to fireburst and infect. My party is level 11-12 and has about 13k gold apiece. My assassin's AC id about 30-ish, my knight's AC is about 20-ish, and my rogue's AC is about 20. WC for my fighting characters is about 10. I've explored up to Kaliti and the three pools in level five. Do you think I should set off searching for Lyesis quite yet or level up some more? Thanks!
As with every other "is my party ready" MR question, there's only one way to find out.
If you find you can handle the monsters at your current depth easily, feel free to venture deeper. However, at this point in the game you'll find the as-yet unknown spell before FIREBOMB rather handy on long journeys. Same goes for one of the spells soon after QUIETER. Still, I don't think they're necessarily essential. Judge your prospects by how easy it is to beat the monsters where you are now.
It might be handy to keep enough cash on hand to resurrect one or two characters, just in case you somehow get them all killed.
Also, it can be really useful to teach your front three characters some magic. I used to like using my front three for healing spells between battles, since they never used magic in combat.
Good luck killing Murkon!
^v^:)^v^ FB