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Re: Vanilla Coke
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Friday, July 12, 2002, at 18:44:46
In Reply To: Re: Vanilla Coke posted by Beasty on Friday, July 12, 2002, at 17:35:04:

> > So you guys imported Spezi and gave it a flashy name?
> Spezi? Never heard of it.

Spezi is common enough in Germany, Austria, maybe Switzerland, and probably other countries on the continent that it's a standard soft drink on restaurant menus. It was a favorite with me and my family when we lived in Europe in the 80s.

As with your Muddy River Water, it never came mixed. In restaurants, they'd just fill half a glass of cola and half a glass of either orange soda or lemon-lime soda (depending on the place).

I get it here on occasion, when I'm in a place with a self-service soda fountain.

Spezi is good, especially when it's made with orange instead of Sprite or 7-Up. On the polar opposite end of the spectrum, there's a drink called a "Graveyard," according to one random person who made brief small conversation with my brother and I, back when we were kids. He told us that when he was our age, he used to make Graveyards -- a little bit of everything. I was wise enough to know that that would be gross, but my brother, far more adventuresome, not only tried it but liked it.

Maybe someday I'll have to try it just because. Right now I can only imagine what pepsi-sprite-root beer-orange-mountain dew-dr. pepper-hawaiian punch-iced tea tastes like.

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