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Re: Pepsi Max?
Posted By: Christopher, on host
Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2002, at 10:37:07
In Reply To: Pepsi Max? posted by Stephen on Tuesday, July 9, 2002, at 08:52:53:

> > For the record, I don't drink Coke. Cherry 7-Up or Pepsi Max, if I desperately have to have the taste of cola.
> Pepsi Max??? What is this? Here I am, fondly enjoying Pepsi (regular, diet and the new Twist), but now I find out that there is apparently a higher quality Pepsi that I'm not getting!
> Seriously, what is it?
> Ste "Up next: Pepsi Xtreme" phen

Basically, Pepsi Max is Diet Pepsi with a trendier bottle. As far as I can understand, the marketing bods at Pepsi UK did some market research and found out that the majority of Diet Pepsi was bought by women - so, to reverse this trend, they brought out new "trendy" Pepsi Max, marketed at the male population.

Of course, this could just be hearsay. I'm good at that.

Chris"Lemon Cola - teh best"topher

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