Rat Help in TOA!
Gurl, on host
Wednesday, July 3, 2002, at 14:31:44
I followed Gremlinns advice about getting the rat to the south/middle of the room. I managed to get him under the crates several times but each time he's under there I can't get at him. I read in another post that you only have four moves before he comes out (or something like that). I must've tried every combination of those four moves thats possible but nothing works. I also moved everything around that you can. I've been trying and trying for hours and I'm ready to pull my hair out. Could someone PLEASE help me with this. Hints or exact answers. Doesn't matter. Thanks.
p.s. (send exact answers to email if you don't want to spoil it for someone else; just write here saying that you sent it) gurl@dazedandconfused.com
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