Re: TOA: help needed again! really soon too!
Gurl, on host
Wednesday, July 3, 2002, at 12:08:39
Re: TOA: help needed again! really soon too! posted by gremlinn on Wednesday, July 3, 2002, at 11:38:35:
> > Could someone please tell me how to catch the darn rat! I've tried for what must've been almost three hours now but I can't get him. I try to corner him, not just follow him around but it still doesn't work. Someone please help me. I'm afraid I need to do that in order to move forward in the game. I have just brought the nerds to the promised land and Verna and Silus are behind the dumpster and I can't get to the bus, so I don't know what to do next. > > > > Any help on either of those things would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance! > > For the rat: (1) Make sure you've first gone *everywhere* and cleared away all of the stuff that you can. Also it might help to sketch a simple map while you're doing that. (2) The direction the rat runs depends on which direction you approach from, so if it's going around in circles, try backing off and approaching from another angle. Try to get it toward the middle of the storeroom. There's another trick from there, but I'll leave that to you. > > For the bus: take a look at the campus map, and take note of *exactly* where the bus is positioned. Maybe you'll get an idea of where you can go to approach the bus from another direction.
For the Bus: I have noted where the bus is and I've tried other ways to get there. I tried to go through the soccer field or the gym but there's no options for getting to the road that way; I've tried driving in my car, thinking that I could drive to the top of the overpass and then jump on the bus, but there's no options for that; I've tried going to the Town Hall and walking east from there but it won't let me go east. None of it works. Maybe I'm just stupid and missing something really obvious, or maybe I'm missing an item that lets me do something I listed above. If you don't mind maybe you could give me a more specific answer. Thanks!
list of items: > 2 rocks > map of elkland > backpack > purse > ID card > Hovercar Key > T-shirt > Gym Shorts > Tennis shoes > Red Dress > High-Heeled shoes > Crowbar > Quantum Calculator > Note from Chris > picket > enrollment sheet > course textbooks > rusty key > Dinner Invitation > Gas Canister > Luna's List > Jet Pack > Mouse Trap > Futuristic Gun (still broken)
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