Re: TOA: help needed again! really soon too!
Gurl, on host
Wednesday, July 3, 2002, at 11:43:13
TOA: help needed again! really soon too! posted by Gurl on Wednesday, July 3, 2002, at 11:19:24:
> Could someone please tell me how to catch the darn rat! I've tried for what must've been almost three hours now but I can't get him. I try to corner him, not just follow him around but it still doesn't work. Someone please help me. I'm afraid I need to do that in order to move forward in the game. I have just brought the nerds to the promised land and Verna and Silus are behind the dumpster and I can't get to the bus, so I don't know what to do next. > > Any help on either of those things would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance!
p.s. list of items: 2 rocks map of elkland backpack purse ID card Hovercar Key T-shirt Gym Shorts Tennis shoes Red Dress High-Heeled shoes Crowbar Quantum Calculator Note from Chris picket enrollment sheet course textbooks rusty key Dinner Invitation Gas Canister Luna's List Jet Pack Mouse Trap Futuristic Gun
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