Re: Murkon's Refuge: Level 8 ARGH!
commie_bat, on host
Thursday, April 11, 2002, at 14:14:18
Murkon's Refuge: Level 8 ARGH! posted by Joona I Palaste on Thursday, April 11, 2002, at 13:52:56:
> WARNING: Don't read this if you haven't got to level 8 yet! > > S > P > O > I > L > E > R > > S > P > A > C > E > . > . > . > > > OK, show of hands please. Did someone replace the "very tough" monsters on level 8 with "bloody near invincible" monsters while my back was turned? > > Three times now have I tried to get to that big maze of doors on level 8. Each time I have been attacked STRAIGHT AT THE START by a group of monsters who are so tough that I have to cast HEALTH at least once per fight just to stay alive! > > If my Wizard or my Druid doesn't get to a level where they have 20000 spell points pretty quickly then there's not much point in exploring level 8. > > Luckily I always have money to resurrect the party as the stuff I pick up from even one single fight pays for over half of my party's restoration at Perinn. > > Those Gelatinous Cubes sure are tough. They can withstand a direct hit from all 6 of my characters without blinking. And that includes two SHRAPNEL spells.
That's why I stopped using spellcasters in battle around level 9. Even two SHRAPNELs barely wipe out a group. What you need is an Assassin with Strength 30, Speed 13 and a really cool sword. That should take out a Cube or nine of anything else in one hit.
Also, THROTTLE does more damage to a single monster than SHRAPNEL, for two fewer SP.
Also, QUAKE will take out any number of anything on level 8, and you should be able to quickly make enough money or accumulate enough Items of Specialness to pay for a night at the Kaliti Holiday Inn.
My problem in the Maze of Doors is that First Bat The Second can now only carry four Items of Specialness, and I can never make it to the pools without having to drop something with a +2 on it. I always drop those damned Displacer Hides now.
I'm not sure why any of this would count as a spoiler.
^v^:)^v^ FB
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