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Spell menus during combat
Posted By: Iccy Balls, on host
Date: Monday, April 8, 2002, at 10:02:17

Just wondering, am I the only one who finds it slightly inconvenient that the spell pull-down menus during combat list the spells in the order the caster learned them? I just changed my high-level wizard and sorceress (both with complete spell suites) to Druids. So, now all the low-level sorcerer/wizard spells they are learning, which are useless on Level 8 of the dungeon, appear first in their pull-down menus. I have to scroll all the way through them to find the useful spells.

IMHO, it would make much more sense for the pull-down menus to be sorted by strength of spell. This would speed the game up significantly later on.

Oh, CHAOS rules the school. Just thought I'd add that.

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