Re: Murkon's Refuge: Still stuck on level 4 (SPOILERS)
ZasZ, on host
Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 13:54:49
Re: Murkon's Refuge: Still stuck on level 4 (SPOILERS) posted by Joona I Palaste on Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 08:59:51:
> > > I've been playing Murkon's Refuge on level 4 for over a day now, and still can't get past that bloody Gatekeeper. > > > > > > I have one Wizard of level 11 and one Sorcerer of level 11. I suppose they could keep on casting attack spells to kill the Gatekeeper and his henchmen, but all the monsters along the way use up my spell points. > > > > > > Can I cast Conceal in advance at the door before the Gatekeepr? Or will it only work in battle? > > > > > > I've found out that an easy way to gain experience and money is to go to level 2, walk to the door to the really big hall, then walk to the opposite wall and back again, killing every monster along the way. I typically have to do it once to be able to resurrect one character, and when I have more characters alive resurrecting the rest is even easier. > > > > Your party is high level enough to be able to take him on. > > > > Step 1: Buy 2 or 3 scrolls of great pain. > > Step 2: Walk up to the gatekeeper, running away from every encounter. (You might have to run from the same encounter 3 or 4 times, if you can't get past it, try running and running and running, until you either succeed, or get a bunch of weak monsters to fight). > > Step 3: First round of combat. > > A) Have one or two sorceror cast conceal, that will help tremendously. > > B) Have your wizard(s) and remaining sorcerors (if any) use mass attack spells to kill the gatekeeper's minions. > > C) Your fighters should try to take on the minions, too. > > Step 4: Second round of combat. > > A) Have your party invoke their scrolls of great pain on the gatekeeper. > > B) If there are any remaining, have your fighters kill off the minions. > > I managed to kill the Gatekeeper and his henchmen, but not the way you described. Instead, what I did was: > > A) Kill everything along the way. I used spells for Wights, Gryphons, Drakes, Chimaeras and Phoenigi, and killed everything else with normal weapons. > > B) At the Gatekeeper's door, cast Cure on each Knight until they are close to their full Hit points. > > C) Have each Knight attack a different group of henchmen and have the Wizard attack the biggest group of henchmen with Contagion. > > D) Have the Sorcerer cast Conceal until each character's AC reaches 100. Then cast Fireburst or Razors at the biggest group of henchmen.
Actually, the help section says AC greater than 65 is unhittable. So, that means you wasted a round or two. :P
> > E) When only the Gatekeeper is left, attack him with every weapon and spell still left. > > This way the Gatekeeper died and I got his key. > > *SPOILER SPACE* > > . > > . > > . > > . > > . > > . > > . > > . > > I managed to get to Kaliti (and appeared on the Murkon's Refuge Hall of Fame, woohoo!). Should I now use Kaliti as my home base instead of Perinn? What about that elevator, is it the only way to get to level 5 and below? Should I tackle levels 5 through 8 in order?
I use Kaliti, as it's closer to the tougher levels. I'm not going to tell you about these other levels, though. :)