Found the dead fish,now Im dead weight,GoA=annoying
Ark, on host
Thursday, March 28, 2002, at 06:00:05
Ok,the fish is fried.But Im still stuck. I aquired the strength stone and broke my precious failing sword on the dragons nose yet Its like a maze.I believe I gotta pick up the doom stone but it wont allow me.For the vaugest of posters Ill make this multiple choice. Im I correct about the stone of doom? Yes=1 No=2 If I do move the stone,Is multiplicity the answer? Yes=1 No=2 Do I have the correct items?Am I missing something? broken free trial sword magic armor of magic dead fish rope bucket diving mask key of qeustioning pick food rations If so then what? Key of opening=1 gold coins=2 bronze coins=3 other=4(please specify)
One more thing,If I am completly off track please feel free to add your own input in an extended response if you feel compelled to do so.Thanks for your cooperation.
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