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Re: Murkon's Refuge: idea
Posted By: MarkN, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2002, at 19:31:25
In Reply To: Murkon's Refuge: idea posted by bandaids on Wednesday, March 27, 2002, at 19:02:37:

> I bet that there are some people out there who are having problems making a map. Well, I figured I'd tell you how I do it since I find my way very effective. If you have a wizard (or wizardess) who can cast the location spell, the one where it gives you the level and coordinates, this works the best. Cast that spell and make a map by using graph paper. Try it some time. It really works well with me! :D

I can't even see how that would help. I haven't bothered with that except for double checking occasionally. First I cast lantern to see well enough around me to do some mapping, then I use the compass spell so I don't have to change directions, and can navigate by NSEW. I found the 3D interface much more confusing than the top view lantern gives me, especially when it doesn't rotate with NSEW.

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