Re: I need help badly.
HHH546, on host
Friday, March 15, 2002, at 21:34:52
Thanks! But now what do I do after giving the nerds the caculator? I have:
2 Rocks Backpack Purse ID Card Hovercar Key T-Shirt Gym Shorts Tennis Shoes Stylish Shoes Note From Chris Picket Enrollment Sheet
Game Status:
It's Saturday, January 21, 2073, sometime in the late morning or early afternoon. You're wearing your typical style of fashionable clothes: a white blouse, a purple vest, and a long black skirt. On your feet are Natalie's red high-heeled shoes.
You've signed up for the following classes: Chemistry 102 -- Prof. Luna History 224 -- Prof. Hawson Literature 272 -- Prof. Major Mathematics 102 -- Prof. Stefansen
Any help would be appreciated.
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