Re: board games
Howard, on host
Saturday, February 16, 2002, at 18:57:18
Re: board games posted by Adam Bomb on Friday, February 15, 2002, at 13:09:57:
> > I've been playing board games with my grandson, age 4. He makes his own rules. If he wins, he wins. If I win, we both win. If he doesn't like the way the dice come up, he gets to roll again. He likes to play with me, because his computer won't let him get away with stuff like that. > > Howard > > I had a board game when I was a kid called "State to State". You had a map of the 50 United States, magnets and cards for each state*, a Boat card, an Airplane card, and little plastic car-shaped playing pieces. > > I never did figure out how to play that game. Has anybody else who's heard of this game any idea how to play it? > > Adam "I love geography" Bomb > > *New Hampshire and Vermont were squeezed together on one card/magnet, as were Massachusetts/Connecticut/Rhode Island and Maryland/Delaware/New Jersey. You didn't get magnets for Alaska or Hawaii.
I've seen the game somewhere. Possibly my own kids had one. They are probably for sale on eBay, because everything else is. Howard
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